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To Unify and Streamline Global Carbon Credit Protocols.

We’ve all heard about carbon credits and carbon offsets, but no one seems to agree on how to properly execute protocols. Here at GreenTerra, our goal is to install a universal carbon credit protocol to help turn talk into action.


Our story

In his encounters with high-ranking officials around the world, our Founder and CEO, Emmanuel Richard heard a lot of chatter surrounding carbon credit and offset protocols, but no one seems to agree on a protocol that actually works to reduce carbon emissions around the globe.

Emmanuel alongside Custom Agricultural Intelligence Inc. have decided to adopt a leadership role in the installation of a universal, streamlined carbon credit protocol that not only helps the environment on paper, but in reality

GreenTerra believes that it’s up to EVERYONE to take climate action, not just governments and corporations. They’ve created an easy way for individuals and small businesses to be a part of eco-friendly green projects around the world.

The world of carbon credits is on the verge of a paradigm shift, and GreenTerra Alliance is at the forefront.


Driven by purpose

We are a diverse group of engineers, scientists, climate experts, and entrepreneurs. Our team members have developed models and protocols that make climate action accessible to everyone. We have a deep love for nature, and together, we are looking to accomplish a goal that, simply, no one can do alone.

The Meaning of our Logo

Our logo epitomizes our goal perfectly as we want to install a carbon credit protocol to be used globally, promoting eco-friendly projects and climate action around the world.

We are looking for future team members to join us in creating a healthier planet.


Some of our partners around the world


Some of our investors

Coming Soon...

"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."

Benjamin Franklin